Call of Duty Warzone update: New Warzone DMR nerf in the works? Devs looking for feedback


    COD gamers have provided plenty of feedback regarding the current gameplay experience available in Call of Duty Warzone.

    This includes the effects the recent DMR nerf has had in-game, with a general consensus forming that more needs to be done.

    Raven Software released a low-key weapon patch earlier this week that nerfed the DMR-14 in Warzone, alongside other guns, considered over-powered.

    This included the Type 63, Mac-10 and Dual Pistols, all of which received the following changes this week:

    • DMR 14 – Reduced headshot damage, increased recoil.
    • Type 63 – Reduced headshot damage, increased recoil.
    • Mac-10 – Decreased headshot multiplier.
    • Dual pistols – Increased hip-fire spread, decreased damage range.

    The problem is that many COD fans have been left unimpressed by the changes, as the DMR-14 is still able to smash through teams.

    The good news for those dreading a long wait for the next round of nerfs is that Raven Software seems to be aware of all this and appear to be signalling more changes are coming.

    On social media, the team at Raven Software posted: “Know that we are consistently monitoring feedback and pushing for the best gameplay experience. A big piece of that is constructive thoughts from you, the player – so please keep sharing!”

    It is very unlikely that the Warzone community will ever stop sharing their feedback, even without a single weapon dominating the game so much.

    And while you can’t ready too much into this Raven Software message, based on the timing, it would certainly suggest that more changes will be arriving sooner rather than later.

    Casual gamers and streamers have been sharing their feedback on the current situation, and the consensus seems to be that even though the DMR may have been nerfed, it wasn’t enough.

    Tommey from 100Thieves shared this feedback today with Raven Software, commenting: “None of the nerfs are that noticeable. DMR still incredibly good, which means no other gun competes and the diamatti’s still hit like a shotgun. Potentially removing the dual wield option would fix that.”

    YouTube content creator Westie added this: “The DMR needs more vertical recoil to make follow up shots harder, and a lower rate of fire to slow down the follow-up. Right now there’s no time to react to incoming fire. Maybe also limit mag size to 20? Force players to break aim and reload?

    YouTube and Facebook content creator Marley also commented on the DMR being too powerful but also had positive feedback to share too, explaining: “DMR 14, Type 63 & Diamattis need a further nerf to make other weapons viable. Also agree with other replies suggesting vaulting clearly broken guns. Love the game and can’t wait for Warzone post DMR apocalypse, I reckon it’ll peak when we can try out all the other guns!”

    When it comes to waiting for the next big Warzone weapon nerf, Raven Software hasn’t shared any kind of timeline or plans.

    But it seems inevitable at this point that another rebalancing patch will be released at some point in the coming weeks.

    We do know that Treyarch will be launching a new patch for Cold War on January 14, which would provide the perfect opening for some changes to made in Warzone.

    These are the most recent Warzone patch notes released by Activision and include the following:


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    Published at Fri, 08 Jan 2021 02:32:00 +0000

    Call of Duty Warzone update: New Warzone DMR nerf in the works? Devs looking for feedback


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