West Side Story reviews: Steven Spielberg’s ‘best movie in 20 years’ – ‘Thrilling’


    Vanity Fair
    Spielberg and Kushner have done justice to what Bernstein, Robbins, and the quite recently late Stephen Sondheim made all those years ago – not subverting its enduring value, but rather, with fire and grace, doing so much to earn it.

    It’s a wonderful musical, and an unabashed Steven Spielberg movie.

    The Playlist
    West Side Story moves like a freight train, its 156 minutes passing in barely a breath, and that breakneck pace, combined with the expressionist aesthetic and candy-coloured imagery, reminds us that blockbusters don’t have to be grey-scaled dreck.

    Rest easy musical fans, Spielberg has done it, and now a whole new audience can revel in the splendour of West Side Story.

    However, not all the critics were as impressed, with some giving West Side Story three stars.

    Published at Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:03:00 +0000

    West Side Story reviews: Steven Spielberg’s ‘best movie in 20 years’ – ‘Thrilling’


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