Martin Compston 'puts end' to Line of Duty theory regarding H identity 'Never happened'


    Information given to DI Steve Arnott (Martin Compston) in a previous episode confirmed that Gail Vella had been looking into the death of Lawrence Christopher in police custody – a case headed at the time by Thurwell.

    With Carmichael now apparently out of the picture as a potential for H, could it prove to be Thurwell or Osbourne?

    Or will the writers throw the audience off completely with a new name?

    There isn’t long to wait. All will, hopefully, be revealed in Sunday’s episode, the last of series 6 and potentially last episode ever.

    Line of Duty continues on Sunday at 9pm on BBC One.

    Published at Sun, 02 May 2021 13:49:00 +0000

    Martin Compston 'puts end' to Line of Duty theory regarding H identity 'Never happened'


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