Doctor issues warning about staying in the shower for too long – how long is too long?


Dr Tailor explained: “Our skin is made up of a microbiome – this is the term used to describe all the organisms that live on our skin.

“It includes bacteria, fungi and viruses and so on.

“If this balance of microorganisms and if this is altered too much with shower-gel and over-washing, the skin can lose it’s natural defence mechanisms and affect the immune system so that the skin is more prone to problems such as dryness, infections and sensitivity.”

As she pointed out, for people with skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema, showering can exacerbate the symptoms.

Published at Fri, 07 May 2021 03:00:00 +0000

Doctor issues warning about staying in the shower for too long – how long is too long?


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