Cancer symptoms: One sensation on the toilet that may be indicative of a growing tumour


One particular sign of bowel cancer involves a certain sensation on the loo. The next time you go for a number two, if you feel the need to strain – after you’ve been – it could be a symptom of the condition. Feeling as though you haven’t fully emptied your bowels, even after going, is one sign of bowel cancer, according to Cancer Research UK. It could be that the growing tumour is causing this straining feeling on the toilet.

Who is more at risk of bowel cancer?

Eating processed and red meats have been shown to increase the risk of bowel cancer.

Processed meat:

  • Bacon
  • Salami
  • Sausages
  • Chicken nuggets

“It might help to swap red meat for chicken or fish. Or use beans and pulses in meals instead of meat,” advised Cancer Research UK.

Moreover, a diet lacking fibre can be even more risky than eating processed and red meat.

Alcohol consumption, older age (especially over the age of 75), and a previous bowel cancer increases the risk.

Family history of the disease can also increase your risk of bowel cancer.

Scientists are currently researching why diabetes has been seen to increase the risk of the disease.

Furthermore, benign polys in the bowel, gallstones, and an infection called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) makes bowel cancer more likely.

Published at Thu, 20 May 2021 09:07:00 +0000

Cancer symptoms: One sensation on the toilet that may be indicative of a growing tumour


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