Supplements warning: The ‘potentially harmful’ vitamins that may cause high cholesterol


The study, however, revealed that vitamin E, C and beta carotene prevented the liver from carrying out this role.

A series of further tests found vitamin E prevented the breakdown process altogether, which resulted in fewer lipoproteins being destroyed.

Doctor Edward Fisher, director of the Lipid Treatment & Research Centre at the NYU Medical Center, said: “Our study is the first to document this association between antioxidant vitamins and VLDL cholesterol.

“It does appear that antioxidant vitamins may be potentially harmful to the heart based on their ability to increase the secretion of VDLD in the liver cells and in the mice that we studied.”

Published at Sat, 08 Jan 2022 06:01:00 +0000

Supplements warning: The ‘potentially harmful’ vitamins that may cause high cholesterol


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