Google Chrome warning: You may want to remove these extensions from your browser


Google Chrome warning: You may want to remove these extensions from your browser

While Ads Feed allegedly collected user data from Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Twitter, and YouTube profiles. The data that was allegedly stolen included a target’s name, user ID, their gender, data of birth, relationship status and location information. While information useful to advertisers was also allegedly scraped.

Facebook said both of the Google Chrome extensions used almost identical code to scrap data and sent it back to the same remote servers. The Menlo Park firm believes the two companies mentioned in their lawsuit are one and the same.

In its complaint Facebook said: “Defendants shared common employees and agents. For example, BrandTotal’s Chief Product Officer and General Manager (Ex. 5), created Facebook accounts in the name of Unimania and the Ads Feed extension. BrandTotal’s Chief Technology Officer and co-founder (Ex. 5) also administered Unimania accounts on Facebook.”

Published at Sun, 04 Oct 2020 09:28:43 +0000


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