Elvis’ jealous RAGE when he discovered Priscilla’s lover


Elvis’ jealous RAGE when he discovered Priscilla’s lover

Elvis was notorious for having affairs and seeing multiple women throughout his life. When he met 14-year-old Priscilla Beaulieu during military service  in Germany on September 13, 1959, he was officially dating starlet Anita Wood. Even after he started seeing Priscilla, his father’s Greman secretary Elisabeth continued to share his bed. The pattern didn’t stop back in the US. Yet, when Priscilla found her own lover, Elvis actually planned to have the man killed.

Elvis moved Priscilla to the US to live with him at Graceland when she was 16. 

She was envied by millions of girls but the reality was very different.

Friend and biographer Chris Hutchins said she told him: “Elvis used to be kind, gentle and always attentive. But things changed long before our wedding day. I should have realised I was marrying an entourage and only had a share in its leader. It had to end.”

The way she ended it, though, drove Elvis into a maddened rage.

READ MORE: Elvis and John Lennon met in 1965 and it was a DISASTER

Priscilla added: “Graceland was the worst. It wasn’t a home, it was a carnival and I was one of the acts.

“I had to get out and become a woman in my own right.”

After years together, Elvis and Priscilla only married on May 1, 1967. Nine months later, Lisa Marie was born.

Although overjoyed by fatherhood, the birth changed Elvis’s relationship with Priscilla and he withdrew physically. It has been documented that the star had a fixation with the purity of young women and Priscilla, as a mother, no longer fit that profile.

It was very rare that anyone in Elvis inner circle, except his father Vernon and manager Colonel Parker, ever gainsaid any order or demand from the star.

However, on this very rare occasion, it was obviously pointed out that he could not just kill his love rival.

Hutchins added: “It later emerged that Elvis had ordered one of his entourage to hire a hitman to blow Stone’s head off. Fortunately, wiser counsel had prevailed.”

Priscilla only dated Stone for two years and later admitted the strapping karate teacher had “just happened to be there at the right time and was the right man.”

Elvis continued to interfere in her subsequent relationships, however, including disturbing her during sex

In 1975, Priscilla briefly dated celebrated celebrity photographer Terry O’Neill.

According to Hutchins: “During a brief fling she had with the celebrated British photographer Terry O’Neill in 1975, he told me that she always spent at least an hour dressing seductively for bed.

“As Terry recalled, there was one problem. Their love-making was frequently interrupted by phone calls from Elvis who, although they had been divorced for two years, still rang her at all hours of the day and night.”

This pattern would continue all the way to Elvis’ shocking and sudden death on August 16, 1977.

Published at Sun, 11 Oct 2020 13:31:00 +0000


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