Daily horoscope for December 3: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast


Thursday’s  is heavily influenced by the Moon remaining in the emotional sign of Cancer the Crab. Many people may consequently feel a little more moody than usual.

The Crab is notorious for becoming uncooperative and even a little defensive at the slightest provocation at certain times.

As a result, once the armour is erected you most likely will be unable to get anything out of certain people.

Defence is the best strategy at such times and some are considered a threat until proven otherwise as far as Cancer goes.

Protecting said space from all and sundry is thought to be a priority – even if this arrives in the form of a friend.

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A consequence of this sees feelings of love and friendship abound.

However, they require some heroic action on your part – the question is are you prepared to fight for what you believed in.

If you are, you can expect to be handsomely rewarded for your troubles.

But come tonight, Pluto challenges the Moon and you’re back on the defensive.

Published at Thu, 03 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0000

Daily horoscope for December 3: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast


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