The Beatles: Paul McCartney admits which Sting song he ‘wishes’ he had written


    McCartney then revealed: “I liked Sting’s Fields Of Gold, and I thought: ‘Y’know what, I should have written that.’”

    Going on to joke about his disappointment, the 76-year-old at the time went on: “How dare he? I told him: ‘You stole my song.’ I thought that was a nice one, y’know?”

    Sting later responded to this claim, becoming excited that McCartney felt this way about his music.

    He posted on his Twitter account, writing: “Paul McCartney says he wishes he would have written Fields Of Gold.”

    Published at Sat, 12 Dec 2020 19:00:00 +0000

    The Beatles: Paul McCartney admits which Sting song he ‘wishes’ he had written


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