BBC Breakfast savaged over Robert Jenrick interview: ‘An insult to the thousands grieving’


    However other viewers slammed Minchin for questioning Jenrick on the “mistakes” the government has made.

    One tweeted: “@BBCBreakfast stop with the criticism – and demands about mistakes – please be positive #fedup #crapjournalists #nothelpful.”

    Someone else shared: “@BBCBreakfast no govt has ever had to face anything like this before. Of course they’ve made mistakes but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Why don’t we pull together instead of tearing each other apart?”

    “@BBCBreakfast Why would you expect any government to not have made mistakes during a pandemic. You criticise constantly and never praise at all. You must all be Labour voters.  You are not only criticising the government you are criticising health professionals,” another wrote.

    BBC Breakfast airs daily on BBC One at 6am.

    Published at Wed, 27 Jan 2021 08:09:00 +0000

    BBC Breakfast savaged over Robert Jenrick interview: ‘An insult to the thousands grieving’


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