BBC Breakfast’s Boris Johnson blunder sparks frenzy as he’s called Kate ‘Tough lockdown’


    Elsewhere on BBC Breakfast, Munchetty threw a newspaper at Stayt after she mistakenly thought her co-host was showing her a picture of a cyclist moving uphill when in fact he was facing downhill. 

    “It was an innocent [mistake],” Munchetty said. “Can we just make really clear when you’re holding something this far on away, cam you tell from this angle which way the cyclist is facing?” 

    The presenter threw the newspaper at her co-host before adding: “No you can’t, it just looks like a person on a bike. You’re actually sweating because you’re holding in the laughter.”

    BBC Breakfast airs daily on BBC One at 6am.

    Published at Fri, 29 Jan 2021 08:38:00 +0000

    BBC Breakfast’s Boris Johnson blunder sparks frenzy as he’s called Kate ‘Tough lockdown’


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