Best supplements for weight loss: Protein and green tea extract for easier weight loss



Sufficient dietary protein has been shown in studies to assist with weight-loss.

Nutritional expert at Bio-kult Hannah Braye said: “This is likely because we use more energy digesting protein (the thermogenic effect) and protein helps us to feel full for longer, reducing the need to snack.

“Ensure you are eating some good-quality protein, such as organic/grass-fed meat, fish, eggs, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, peas or tofu with each meal and snack, and especially after exercise.

“A protein intake of around 30 percent of calories is often recommended as optimal for weight-loss.

Published at Fri, 18 Dec 2020 20:09:19 +0000

Best supplements for weight loss: Protein and green tea extract for easier weight loss


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