Black Narcissus ending explained: What happened at the end?


    Clodagh’s backstory is revealed

    Viewers finally learnt Clodagh became a nun after a failed romance with a boy in her village with whom she had slept with outside of wedlock.

    Clodagh’s lover had abandoned her for America, not wishing to marry her and leaving her heartbroken.

    She took up orders as means to restore her faith but the memories and flashbacks of her former life haunted her while she was at Mopu.

    Mr Dean tried to convince Clodagh to stay with him but she told him it would have to be in another lifetime.

    Before she bid him adieu, she revealed her name was Catherine and shook his hand – something the nuns were strictly not supposed to do.

    All the nuns had been changed and broken by their experiences in Mopu as they retreated lighter than they had arrived.

    Black Narcissus is streaming on the BBC iPlayer now

    Published at Tue, 29 Dec 2020 22:03:00 +0000

    Black Narcissus ending explained: What happened at the end?


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