Elvis baby brother ‘The King said goodbye two days BEFORE death, he knew it was coming’


    Elvis baby brother ‘The King said goodbye two days BEFORE death, he knew it was coming’

    David said: “The last time I saw Elvis alive was two days before he passed away. I walked into his room and he was reading his Bible. He said ‘David, let me ask you a question, who am I’?

    “I laughed at him and said ‘well you’re the king’, and he said ‘no there’s only one king’ as he held up his Bible.”

    This was a constant game with the star, who always corrected people when they called him by his famous nickname.

    David added: “I said ‘I’m going out of town I’ll be back for the tour’ and he said ‘I just want you to know that I love you, David. I won’t ever see you again – the next time I see you will be in a higher place in a different plane’.”

    Although the words now seem chilling with hindsight, at the time David attributed them to Elvis’ obsession with spirituality and that he was speaking metaphorically.

    Published at Wed, 11 Nov 2020 21:14:00 +0000


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