George RR Martin on the Stark almost CUT OUT of Game of Thrones: ‘Too important for books’


George RR Martin on the Stark almost CUT OUT of Game of Thrones: ‘Too important for books’

hit our TV screens back in 2011, but prior to its launch the showrunners had trouble with a disastrous original pilot. The official story of the HBO show is delved into in the new book, Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon: Game of Thrones and the Untold Story of the Epic Series by James Hibberd. And in an excerpt, ASOIAF author revealed that the Game of Thrones showrunners wanted a certain Stark family member “eliminated”.

In his latest progress update on his blog, Martin wrote: “I write most days, sometimes into the evenings.”

While last month, the 71-year-old shared his writing struggles with The Winds of Winter.

Martin wrote: “Dwelling where I am now, deep in the heart of Westeros, I find myself surrounded by my characters, the children of my mind and heart and soul.  

“They are real to me, as I write them, and I struggle to make them real to my readers as well.”

He added: “All of them are flawed, from the best to the worst. 

“They do heroic things, they do selfish things.”

In terms of when Martin now aims to release The Winds of Winter, he says he “hopes” in 2021.

Maybe 2022 might be more likely then. But let’s not forget he’s still got to write A Dream of Spring too.

Published at Mon, 14 Sep 2020 18:18:00 +0000


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