‘How is it grandmother’s responsibility!’ Reid slams social care guest on tortured Arthur


    The guest explained: “Because of how the situation was set up when the social worker came and we know families that are abusing children will set the scene in a way so you don’t always see what’s going on.”

    Reid questioned: “But isn’t the responsibility with the social worker to say there is bruising and immediately inform the health authorities?” 

    “In the policy that’s what it says, ‘unusual bruising we’d like a medical intervention’ and that was the gap here,” she responded. 

    “I want to really stress that I’m not saying this grandmother could have done any more I’m saying in future if anyone sees unusual bruising seek medical intervention.”

    Good Morning Britain airs on ITV on weekdays at 6am.

    Published at Mon, 06 Dec 2021 08:31:00 +0000

    ‘How is it grandmother’s responsibility!’ Reid slams social care guest on tortured Arthur


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