James Corden backlash: Late Late Show hit with complaints for ‘promoting racism’


    During the segment, James has branded the items of food “disgusting” and “horrific” despite them being eaten by many Asian viewers.

    “In the wake of the constant Asian hate crimes that have continuously been occurring, not only is this segment incredibly culturally offensive and insensitive, but it also encourages anti-Asian racism,” the petition added.

    “So many Asian Americans are consistently bullied and mocked for their native foods, and this segment amplifies and encourages it.

    “We are holding James Corden and The Late Late Show accountable for their actions, and perpetual harm this segment causes to Asian American communities.

    Published at Fri, 11 Jun 2021 10:59:50 +0000

    James Corden backlash: Late Late Show hit with complaints for ‘promoting racism’


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