James Martin walks off his own show Saturday Morning after custard tart blunder


    James Martin was back on ITV with his Saturday Morning show which was once again jam-packed with advice and mouthwatering recipes. He welcomed Charlie Boorman to talk about his new series Long Way Up, while Ryan and Liam Simpson-Trotman shared recipes for venison. The TV chef also headed to Devon to learn more about fishing mussels.

    However, not long into the show, James walked off as he was left red-faced over a comment about a custard tart.

    Reeling off what was yet to be shown, James said: “Still to come, I get a masterclass in cream.

    “Lenny Carr-Roberts, my local pub landlord will be here with a custard tart.

    “But don’t go anywhere because after the break I’m cooking crab rarebit for my guest Charlie Boorman. I’ll see you in a bit.”

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    As the show went to cut to a break, James was seen walking off as he scolded himself over one of the comments he’d made.

    “I don’t know why I said custard tart,” he exclaimed as he left his kitchen.

    James didn’t mention the awkward moment as he was quick to get cooking for guest Charlie when he returned from the ad break.

    The TV chef shared an insight into how the series is made as he posted a behind-the-scenes snap on his Instagram account.

    Last week on Saturday Morning, James sparked a frenzy as he revealed how he eats prawn toast.

    The chef noted his love of butter and cream before cutting a wedge of butter and placing it on top of the toast.

    “This is how you eat [fried bread],” he began. “Can’t believe I’m doing this on TV.”

    “I’m going to get so many letters… of support.

    “Now, I got into trouble because I did roast potatoes once and I said – my mum was here, she doesn’t do many TV appearances but she came on here – we were always taught to eat roast potatoes with the same amount of butter.

    Published at Sat, 30 Jan 2021 11:02:10 +0000

    James Martin walks off his own show Saturday Morning after custard tart blunder


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