Keira Knightley’s ‘creepy’ Love Actually fan interaction: ‘It was awkward and I was stuck’


    But now in a new interview, Keira has shared how she had a fan doing the Love Actually scene to her in a situation she couldn’t walk away from, but still found somewhat amusing even if it was a little uncomfortable.

    Promoting her new Christmas movie Silent Night, she was asked by Yahoo if she’d seen spoofs off that moment from the Richard Curtis rom-com.

    The 36-year-old replied: “Y’know, I did actually get stuck in traffic once [in London] and someone in the car next to me did the whole sign thing.

    “It was quite creepy, but it was also quite [laughs]. It was a bit awkward being stuck in traffic next to it. But it was also quite sweet, there was nothing [scary].”

    Published at Mon, 06 Dec 2021 09:31:00 +0000

    Keira Knightley’s ‘creepy’ Love Actually fan interaction: ‘It was awkward and I was stuck’


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