‘New low after Piers’ GMB viewers blast fall of ITV show as Adil clenches coin in his bum


    “Last piece there a new low with David Suchet and a coin literally stuck up the a**e of the presenter.”

    While a third blasted: “What a load of c**p GMB is this morning starting first..debating a full English Breakfast ending with Adil Ray putting a two pound coin up his a**e…do I need to say more!”

    “GMB is now sticking 2 pound coins between the cheeks Adil Rays a**e, hardly surprising the ratings are falling through the floor,” vented a fourth.

    However, some did see the funny side, as another viewer added to the debate: “Ok highlight of my day seeing @adilray putting a coin where a coin shouldn’t go and trying to hold a conversation with David Suchet at the same time absolute comedy gold only on @GMB.”

    Published at Wed, 07 Apr 2021 08:30:00 +0000

    ‘New low after Piers’ GMB viewers blast fall of ITV show as Adil clenches coin in his bum


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