Sean Connery played James Bond ONE last time in 1998 on set of The Avengers


    Sean Connery played James Bond ONE last time in 1998 on set of The Avengers

    In the book, director Jeremiah S Chechik recalled of a happy time on set of 1998 movie The Avengers, which starred Fiennes, Uma Thurman, and Connery.

    Chechik said: “The shooting was a pleasure. One day on Ralph’s birthday, we were shooting with Sean in an interior storm that we had created on a soundstage. Soaked as we all were during this odd sword fight, we were in great spirits.

    “Sean was having fun, no easy feat for that curmudgeon, as it was not golf-related. Ralph and I occasionally winked and nodded at each other amazed that we were both working with the icon. Throughout the shoot, Sean and I shared a lot more than a single whiskey together and had a pretty good relationship on and off stage.

    “During the day, I approached him when Ralph was off set, to film a small birthday greeting from the James Bond of old (something Sean rarely does/did). So cameras on, rolling, action and out of the mythic Sean Connery’s mouth came the perfectly rendered and captured greeting which included the famous: ‘Happy Birthday greeting, from Bond… James Bond.’”

    Published at Fri, 13 Nov 2020 12:59:00 +0000


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