The Real Full Monty on Ice: ITV viewers left in tears over heartbreaking scenes ‘So brave’


    While the celebrities on-screen showed their support for one other, ITV viewers at home similarly reached out, with several left in tears.

    “My god I’m balling tears at @JakeQuickenden story about his dad and brother #TheRealFullMontyOnIce,” said one viewer on Twitter.

    A second echoed: “Coleen speaking about Linda and Anne I’m crying #TheRealFullMontyOnIce.”

    “Please tell me I’m not the only one crying #TheRealFullMontyOnIce,” a third emotional viewer penned.

    Published at Mon, 14 Dec 2020 21:56:00 +0000

    The Real Full Monty on Ice: ITV viewers left in tears over heartbreaking scenes ‘So brave’


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