Covid new strain symptoms: The three ‘unusual’ signs of coronavirus you should be aware of


Covid cases have started to fall across the UK, but the number of daily deaths is still remarkably high. Experts have urged the public to self-isolate and get tested if they develop any of the key coronavirus warning signs. There are some “unusual” signs that you should know about.

Covid vaccines have been handed out to more than 12 million people across the UK since the start of December.

The Government is urging everyone over 70 years old to contact the NHS if they haven’t had their vaccine yet.

But, even if you have the Covid vaccine, you should still self-isolate if you think that you have coronavirus.

You may be at risk of coronavirus if you develop unexplained diarrhoea, it’s been revealed.

READ MORE: Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine: When will the new adapted Oxford jab be ready?

“Fever, dry cough and shortness of breath are the telltale signs of a COVID-19 infection,” Dr Agarwal wrote for Summa Health.

“But, those aren’t the only symptoms that have been linked to the virus. Other symptoms include chills, muscle or body aches, sore throat, fatigue and congestion.

“As we learn more about this dangerous virus and its full range of symptoms, doctors are uncovering yet another set that are unusual and uncommon.

“From lesions to vomiting to deadly blood clots, doctors are discovering COVID-19 is not just a respiratory illness, but instead can be a full-body attack.”

Some patients have also developed unusual lesions on their skin – otherwise known as the so-called ‘Covid toes’.

These lesions can cause your toes to become very swollen, red or purple, and they may develop a burning or itchy sensation.

Coronavirus could also caused unexplained headaches or dizziness, she warned.

These symptoms are more likely to develop in older patients, and they can often be ignored or overlooked.

The three most important symptoms of Covid are a high fever, a new, continuous cough, and a loss of taste or smell, according to the NHS.

If you develop any of these three key symptoms, you should get tested for Covid straight away.

It’s also essential that you self-isolate at home for at least 10 days, or until you get a negative test result.

More than 100,000 people have died from Coronavirus in the UK since the start of the pandemic.

Published at Tue, 09 Feb 2021 06:30:00 +0000

Covid new strain symptoms: The three ‘unusual’ signs of coronavirus you should be aware of


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