Goodbye Zoom! Hologram meetings now here in Microsoft’s new mixed-reality platform


The software giant has unveiled its new Mesh product. Described as a ‘mixed reality platform’, Microsoft Mesh will enable users to connect with people in other locations and share hologram images. On the company blog, a spokesperson wrote: “As we miss in-person social connections, meet-ups like concerts and fitness training are moving to the virtual world.

“Microsoft Mesh, a new platform built on Microsoft Azure, enables its users to connect with presence, share across space, and collaborate in an immersive way as if they were in person regardless of physical location.”

The program can be used for anything from collaborative meetings with colleagues, to enjoying concerts or theatre shows with friends and family.

Microsoft Technical Fellow Alex Kipman said: “This has been the dream for mixed reality, the idea from the very beginning.

“You can actually feel like you’re in the same place with someone sharing content or you can teleport from different mixed reality devices and be present with people even when you’re not physically together.”

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“Engineering or medical students learning about electric car engines or human anatomy could gather as avatars around a holographic model and remove parts of the engine or peel back muscles to see what’s underneath.

“Colleagues could simply get together and chat in a shared virtual space, or companies could use Microsoft Mesh-enabled apps to offer virtual all-hands meetings or trainings to employees around the world.”

The idea is that people will be able to participate through PCs, phones, tablets or virtual reality headsets.

Microsoft has not disclosed exactly when the product will be available or how much it will cost.

You can find out more about the platform here.

Published at Thu, 04 Mar 2021 17:31:45 +0000

Goodbye Zoom! Hologram meetings now here in Microsoft’s new mixed-reality platform


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