Facebook could be about to change your profile picture automatically


Anti-vax profile picture frames that were spotted on Facebook included messages such as “I TRUST MY IMMUNE SYSTEM! #NOTASHOT” and one that said “MY IMMUNE SYSTEM WORKS BETTER THAN THE” followed by a syringe emoji.

A Facebook spokesperson said they were working to remove these picture framing options, which had breached its guidelines on anti-vax messaging.

The news comes after Facebook published a blog post outlining how it was helping to support ongoing vaccine programmes and how it was combating misinformation.

Facebook said: “An important part of our work to increase vaccinations is to address content that violates our rules on COVID-19 and vaccine misinformation. Over the course of the pandemic, we have removed more than 16 million pieces of this content from our apps for breaking our rules on COVID-19 and vaccine misinformation. For certain content that does not break these rules, but could still discourage someone from getting vaccinated, we reduce its distribution on Facebook and remove it from recommendations on Facebook and Instagram.”

Published at Tue, 18 May 2021 04:01:00 +0000

Facebook could be about to change your profile picture automatically


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