Destiny 2 Xur location today: Where is Xur this week and what is he selling?


    Xur has been busy with other activities this week, with the Dares of Eternity, the place where you can find the Agent of the Nine.

    And after playing through Dares of Eternity, players can visit Xur to collect a Resplendent Reward Package. Opening this package will drop Streetwear Bundles for each class, and If players have a full Inventory, these will go to the Postmaster and should be collected immediately.

    But Xur is also expected to be dropped back into the game and available to visit at one of his normal locations at 5pm EDT.

    Bungie has not said they are delaying or cancelling Xur’s trip to the EDZ, Lighthouse or Nessus, so there’s a good chance you’ll be able to purchase fresh exotics later today.

    For those who have yet to experience Dares of Eternity, here’s the official description from Bungie regarding the new game mode:

    “The main attraction for our 30th celebration is the new six-player activity, Dares of Eternity. The mysterious agent of the Nine known as Xûr has shown up to host the festivities and is joined by the strange but lovable Starhorse. There is a tear in the very fabric of reality that only Xûr can perceive.

    Bungie will not reveal his final location, instead, Guardians will need to scope out all of his normal haunts, including the EDZ, The Tower and Nessus.

    A full report of what new exotics are available to buy will be shared within a few minutes of his return.

    For those who are new to Destiny, the Legendary Shards used by Xur are remnants of powerful items used to improve gear or trade for other stuff.

    It should also be noted that Xur will be dropping items similar in power level to your character. And another part of Xur that is new to the latest version of Destiny 2 is that he now drops Cipher Quests for free.

    The Quest will reward you with an exotic Cipher, and last week included completing 21 Strikes or winning the same number of Crucible or Gambit matches.

    Every week, Guardians can acquire one Exotic Engram using Legendary Shards that will decrypt as Exotics that aren’t already in your collection.

    Published at Fri, 10 Dec 2021 01:34:04 +0000

    Destiny 2 Xur location today: Where is Xur this week and what is he selling?


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