Robert Pattinson Batman: Zac Snyder reveals what he REALLY thinks of Matt Reeves film


Robert Pattinson Batman: Zac Snyder reveals what he REALLY thinks of Matt Reeves film

Like everyone, he saw the new trailer at DC Fandome, where he was unveiling the first look at his own four-part Justice League reboot.

Snyder said: “I actually just texted Matt after and I was like, ‘What the f**k! This is cool!’.

“I loved it. I thought it was so cool. I thought it was the right direction and everything about it.

“As far as just being a fan, it’s the kind of movie I want to see.”

High praise indeed from the man Warner Bros originally entrusted with the entire DC comics journey to the big screen.

Published at Tue, 25 Aug 2020 18:39:00 +0000


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