Call of Duty Modern Warfare update: Warzone patch news for PS4 and Xbox One


Call of Duty Modern Warfare update: Warzone patch news for PS4 and Xbox One

Developers Infinity Ward has already made some notable changes to Modern Warfare this week. As long rumoured, some significant tweaks have been made to the Call of Duty Store, which now allows gamers to do new things, although some of them remain in beta. This includes the new support a creator program, which enables fans “to show their support directly to creators around the world.

“This pilot program, currently in beta, provides creators a portion of the proceeds directly through the purchase of Call of Duty Points (COD Points).”

As mentioned above, Activision is still testing this new system, so gamers can expect a few more tweaks to be made to the store in the coming weeks.

To support a creator in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone, Activision says you can purchase COD Points in the in-game Franchise Store within Modern Warfare, which is accessible through the Main Menu or the last sub-menu in Multiplayer, Co-Op or Warzone.

Each creator has a unique code, and the number of participating creators is small and will probably remain that way for the foreseeable future.

Last week’s update was mostly focused on changing playlists and adding a new operator to the store.

This included bringing back Team Rumble in Warzone and making it possible to purchase Morte in the store.

“As the Games of Summer judges are finalising their scores, Morte is set to arrive in his debut Store Bundle, Multiplayer will have a Moshpit of Party Games, and prepare for a weekend Rumble playlist in Warzone alongside its gold standard modes.

“Arriving via the “Morte Operator Bundle,” the man they call “death” is ready to reinforce the Coalition’s Warcom division. In addition to his imposing Old West style, Morte is a deadly sharpshooter who served in the legendary Col Moschin Paratrooper regiment.”

It seems like as good a time as any to throw in a new patch that can shake up the game’s current Meta, which has remained stable for the past few weeks.

However, there has been no word on when the next weapon nerfs might be coming, or if any of those rumoured map changes will be happening during the current season.

The good news is that we should find out about any big changes before the next Modern Warfare update goes live, which is usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

So more news could be coming our way in the next few hours or so, depending on Activision’s own plans.

Last week was dominated by announcements regarding Black Ops Cold War, another reason why Activision may have held off launching a meaningful new update in Warzone and MW.

Published at Mon, 14 Sep 2020 18:22:26 +0000


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