Currys down: Currys PC World website goes down ‘for maintenance’ on Black Friday 2020


Currys down: Currys PC World website goes down ‘for maintenance’ on Black Friday 2020

As the Currys website problems hit users took to social networking site Twitter to report issues with it.

One tweeted: “Currys currently down”.

And another posted: “Currys website down for maintenance”.

While others have been left hoping the Currys maintenance could be due to an inbound PS5 stock drop, with Currys getting ready for the huge demand it will no doubt bring.

One Twitter user posted: “Currys website down rn my hope is for PlayStation 5 digital to be there as last time they didn’t sell them to me could also just be regular maintenance. There is no PS5’s in the UK. PlayStation please give Europe and the rest of the world more stock next time US restocks daily”.

While another wrote: “CURRYS SITE DOWN, PS5 STOCK?!?!?!”

So far the official Currys PC World website has yet to comment on whether this latest round of maintenance could be for an inbound PS5 stock drop.

Published at Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:57:00 +0000


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