Star Wars: Anthony Daniels ‘argued’ with JJ Abrams over The Force Awakens


    Anthony then began spilling the tea over his disagreement with the famed director, adding: “Apart from one argument, right at the beginning with the director, with J.J.”

    The 74-year-old then mimicked the conversation he had with JJ, whilst referencing C-3PO’s look in 1977’s A New Hope.

    Anthony recalled: “‘What’s with the red arm?’ ‘Um, it shows some history.’ ‘You mean like the silver shin in the first film, A New Hope?’ ‘Yeah, exactly.’ ‘But that was too subtle to notice.’ ‘Exactly, that’s why it’s red.’”

    The star then curtly added: “I did not like the red arm, okay?”

    Published at Sat, 12 Dec 2020 12:18:23 +0000

    Star Wars: Anthony Daniels ‘argued’ with JJ Abrams over The Force Awakens


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