Burnout signs – what does burnout feel like?


There’s a difference between having a large workload and something more serious. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognised burnout as a disease. It can become a serious health issue so the signs of it should not be ignored. But what does burnout feel like?

In 2019 the WHO officially added burnout to its International Classification of Diseases (ICD), it will become a globally recognised disease from 2022.

This is a significant step as it will mean that healthcare providers and insurers will need to acknowledge, treat and cover the condition.

WHO categorises burnout as a “syndrome” which results from “chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed” on its ICD.


While you may be able to manage work-related stress occasionally if it is short-lived, being stressed constantly is not sustainable and can lead to serious health issues.

What health issues can burnout lead to?

  • The signs of burnout should not be ignored as they can have real consequences for your physical and mental health – it could lead to:
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Insomnia
  • And many other serious health problems.


Talk to your boss

If you are suffering from burnout the first thing you should do is talk to your boss.

This can be hard but until you address your workload you will not be able to recover.

Have a break

Try to take some time off, just like any other illness your body and mind will need time to recover.

Say no

Do not be afraid to say no to things, be this extra work or even too many social events, you need time to unwind so avoid filling your diary with too many dates and things to do.

Leave your desk

With many of us working from home it can be tempting to work overtime or to wander over to your desk outside of working hours.

Try to avoid this, get up and go for a walk on your lunch break or simply take a coffee break when you feel a slump coming on.

You may be tempted to push on to get through your workload but this will just lead to burnout and you will become less productive in the long run.

Published at Wed, 09 Jun 2021 06:42:00 +0000

Burnout signs – what does burnout feel like?


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