Cancer symptoms: Five key signs a headache may be a sign of a brain tumour


Many people experience headaches in their day-to-day life, so how can you tell when it’s caused by a brain tumour? The key is whether it’s accompanied by five key factors. The first warning sign of brain cancer is if a headache is accompanied by the feeling of nausea. Another indication of the deadly disease is when this feeling of nausea alongside a headache is a new problem for you.

Brain cancer can lead to headaches because of the intracranial pressure created when the tumour grows in size.

This occurs because the skull is made of bone, meaning there is a fixed amount of space allocated for the brain.

Increased intracranial pressure can also lead to problems with your vision.

Vision loss may come and go, and the ability to see out of the corner of your eye might reduce, leading you to bump into objects and other people.


Other vision issues might include “tunnel vision”, floating shapes, or blurred eyesight.

Depending on where the tumour is growing inside of the brain, varying symptoms can emerge.

For instance, a tumour growing in the frontal lobe may cause difficulty walking, problems with your speech, and weakness on one side of the body.

Other signs might include changes in personality and loss of smell.

If the temporal lobe is affected by the tumour, then it can lead to short term memory loss, difficulty with heating, and hearing voices in your head.

Meanwhile, a tumour growing on the parietal lobe in the brain can lead to problems with reading and writing, and loss of feeling in one part of the body.

Am I at risk of a brain tumour?

The charity pointed out the greatest age bracket for developing a brain tumour is between 85 to 89 years old.

Although minuscule, two percent of brain tumours are linked to being overweight.

Excess fat cells in the body are “active”, sometimes signalling to other cells to divide more often – a prerequisite for cancer.

The signals released by fat cells can affect growth hormones, inflammation and sex hormones.

Obesity is linked to more than just brain cancer, it’s also linked to womb, ovarian, thyroid and bowel cancer.

To find out more about how excess fat cells can contribute to the development of cancer, visit Cancer Research UK.

Published at Sun, 16 May 2021 22:33:00 +0000

Cancer symptoms: Five key signs a headache may be a sign of a brain tumour


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