Charlie Stayt sparks uproar from BBC viewers for misgendering Eddie Izzard ‘It’s she/her!’


    Before signing off her chat with Charlie, Eddie did try and instil hope in viewers for 2021.

    Eddie encouraged viewers to work together this year in order to overcome the coronavirus pandemic and its global repercussions.

    “I would love it for all 7.8 billion of us to work together to share and share alike and get the vaccines out and get everyone healthy,” she told Charlie.

    “It’s a great message, Eddie,” Charlie replied before bringing their chat to a close.

    BBC Breakfast continues daily at 6am on BBC One.

    Published at Fri, 01 Jan 2021 09:23:00 +0000

    Charlie Stayt sparks uproar from BBC viewers for misgendering Eddie Izzard ‘It’s she/her!’


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