Downton Abbey sequel: Filming ‘all set to begin for Christmas release date’


    Hugh Bonneville, aka the Earl of Grantham, recently promised that a “cheery” film like Downton Abbey 2 is just what the nation needs right now.

    He said: “We’d love to do it and there is a great intent, but a little thing called Coronavirus keeps getting in the way.

    “It would be super to think that sometime this year the cameras would roll because a Downton-type cheery movie would be very welcome in cinemas when they reopen eventually.

    “There is a script, but not all the ducks are in a row yet – they are certainly not in the pond!”

    His Downton co-star Jim Parsons has also teased what he has seen in the script so far.

    Published at Tue, 09 Mar 2021 21:11:00 +0000

    Downton Abbey sequel: Filming ‘all set to begin for Christmas release date’


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