How to avoid food poisoning: Top tips on how to avoid food poisoning on Christmas day


In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, tips to avoiding food poisoning was investigated.

The study listed the main points to remember which include:

Avoid milk and fruit juices that are unpasteurized. Pasteurized foods have been through a process that kills germs. If milk and fruit juices are pasteurized, it will say so on the label.

Cook foods thoroughly, especially red meat, poultry and eggs. Cooking these foods all the way through will destroy harmful germs.

Eat foods soon after they have been cooked so that harmful germs don’t have time to grow.

Foods that are not cooked before they are eaten, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, should be rinsed under running tap water.

Keep hot foods hot (60°C) and cold foods cold (4°C). You should make sure your fridge is set at a temperature of 4°C or less.

When preparing raw meats and poultry, keep them away from cooked food, fresh fruits and vegetables. Use separate cutting boards for raw meats and vegetables.

When serving leftovers, make sure that you reheat foods all the way through.

Wash your hands with hot, soapy water before and after preparing food.

Keep your kitchen clean. Use a mild solution of water and soap to clean your counters, cutting boards and utensils.

Protect your food from insects and animals.

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Published at Thu, 24 Dec 2020 04:01:00 +0000

How to avoid food poisoning: Top tips on how to avoid food poisoning on Christmas day


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