PHILLIP SCHOFIELD revealed how “it’s never quiet” in his head; the co-host for This Morning hears sounds that aren’t really there because of tinnitus. Are you one of six million people affected by the condition? On the daytime talk show, Phillip Schofield told This Morning’s resident GP, Dr Nighat Arif, that he’s always hearing sounds in his mind. Tinnitus can sound like a whooshing, hushing, or ringing in the ear. The external noice heard by sufferers, like Phillip, is “just the ear drum that is vibrating away”, explained Dr Nighat.
This can make people think there is a noise when, in reality, there is none.
“It’s constant,” said Phillip. “It’s never silent in my head”, describing it as a “high-pitched noise”.
Sometimes the noises go by themselves, said Dr Nighat, other times it might require treatment.
Answering a phone-in query from the public who also suffers from the condition, Dr Nighat said cognitive behavioural therapy might be helpful.
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What causes tinnitus to occur?
Not classified as a disease or illness, tinnitus is said to occur “from some type of change, either mental or physical”.
The sounds associated with tinnitus are associated to be “brain activity”, which may come on more strongly after periods of stress.
Once people are aware of tinnitus, they seem to notice the sounds more and more.
“If you start living your life differently to accommodate the tinnitus, it’s just going to seem more of a problem,” said the British Tinnitus Association.
Alternatively, the use of background noise can also mask the sounds of tinnitus.
For example, having the radio on the background is a great way to drown out any noise created by tinnitus.
Another helpful approach includes retraining therapy to you “habituate” to the tinnitus.
This involves getting used to the sound of tinnitus so that it no longe=r bothers you.
Published at Wed, 19 May 2021 10:41:00 +0000
'It's never quiet in my head' Phillip Schofield opens up on suffering with tinnitus