Jeremy Vine forced to intervene as furious lockdown row erupts among panellists


    The Channel 5 programme had Dr Sarah Jarvis, Carole Malone and Vernon Kay discussed the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis in Britain and how the NHS is coping with the added pressure of winter. Jeremy Vine was forced to interrupt the debate in order to clarify for viewers what the panel was arguing about after a row erupted among them.

    “So it is very disingenuous to pretend this is all because of Covid.

    “The amount of people that have died who are under 60 with no underlying health conditions is 388.

    “That is a figure from the NHS itself, the rest are people that have underlying health conditions and the elderly.”

    Vernon Kay added: “On underlying health conditions, would those people have died if they had no caught COVID-19? That is the issue.

    ICU nurse Dave Carr said: “How can he seriously look any health workers in the face and tell us he is managing this pandemic properly?

    “We are doing this understaffed and underpaid, the insult we got early in the year with no pay rise really hurt us.”

    Mr Hancock replied: “The staff across the NHS have done an absolutely brilliant job.

    “I am very pleased earlier in the year we were able to give a pay rise to all NHS nurses right across the board.”

    Published at Mon, 04 Jan 2021 13:09:00 +0000

    Jeremy Vine forced to intervene as furious lockdown row erupts among panellists


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