Pirates of Caribbean fans petition DEMANDING Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow return nears 300,000


    Pirates of Caribbean fans petition DEMANDING Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow return nears 300,000

    To date, Johnny Depp has starred in five Pirates of the Caribbean movies as Captain Jack Sparrow. But as Disney plan a spin-off starring Margot Robbie, fans have been wondering about Depp’s involvement. Just last week the 57-year-old star was asked to resign from the Fantastic Beasts franchise, which he agreed to, following his unsuccessful libel case in the UK courts.

    With his Pirates future unclear, Depp’s fans have rallied together for a petition demanding his reinstatement as Captain Jack Sparrow.

    Created on change.org, the petition is titled: “We want JOHNNY DEPP back as CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW.

    At the time of writing it has been signed almost 250,000 as it heads towards its goal of at least 300,000.

    The petition reads: “Johnny Depp has been out recently as Captain Jack Sparrow. One of the reasons is his personal issues as well.”

    READ MORE: Pirates of the Caribbean HOPE: Johnny Depp reportedly ‘returning’

    It continues: “He has been playing this role since 2003 when we first saw him arriving at the Port Royal in his boat with that epic background music playing.

    “But can you imagine someone else portraying this instead of him? Or no Jack Sparrow at all?”

    The petition, which can be viewed here, went on to say that without Depp’s Sparrow the Pirates franchise is a sunken ship.

    Interestingly, there’s a new report that Pirates producer Jerry Bruckheimer is trying to bring back the character.

    Ellis starred as Lieutenant Commander Theodore Groves across three of the Pirates of the Caribbean films.

    In a recent tweet, the 52-year-old highlighted what he claimed was Depp’s good character from personal experience.

    The actor wrote: “I’ve known JD for over a decade. Worked on 4 movies together.

    “Our kids went to the same school. A lovely bloke & great dad.”

    Ellis added: “I wish more of the actors, filmmakers & studios who benefited financially from working w[ith] him would show more public support. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp.”

    Despite being asked to leave Fantastic Beasts, The Hollywood Reporter says Depp shot just one scene for the third film.

    Nevertheless, the former Grindelwald star will still receive his fee of over $10 million due to his contract saying he must be paid his full salary even if the movie isn’t made or he’s recast.

    Fantastic Beasts 3’s release date has subsequently been moved from November 2021 to July 2022.

    Published at Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:23:00 +0000


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