Queen and Adam Lambert 2021 tour hopes: Roger Taylor ‘desperate’ for return to normality


Queen and Adam Lambert 2021 tour hopes: Roger Taylor ‘desperate’ for return to normality

After a sensational tour through Asia and Oceania at the start of the year, Queen and Adam Lambert took a break ahead of their UK and European summer dates. However, the coronavirus pandemic saw the band forced to postpone those tour dates to 2021. But with much uncertainty surrounding next year and concerns of second waves, and Roger Taylor have expressed their feelings on the matter.

Back in May, the Queen guitarist told BBC’s Newscast: “I don’t know if it’s going to be appropriate to be putting 18,000 people in a confined space and playing music to them.

“I think we all have to look at this very carefully.”

Aside from social distancing, the 73-year-old has been campaigning on his Instagram page for the world to not return to business as usual as the environment has benefitted from the halting of human activity.

May asked: “Will it be appropriate for people to be charging around the world on jumbo jets and using up fossil fuels and polluting the Earth? I’m not sure. I think we have to rethink absolutely everything.”

READ MORE: Queen and Adam Lambert announce first live ALBUM ‘The perfect time’

In the meantime, Queen and Adam Lambert have announced their first live album.

Titled Live Around The World, the record will be released worldwide on October 2nd on CD, CD/DVD, CD/Blu-ray and Vinyl.

After the pandemic saw the band forced to postpone its UK and Europe tour dates, they felt it was “the perfect time”.

May said: “As we all grapple with the challenge of creating live shows in a world dominated by a formidable viral enemy, it seemed the perfect time for us to create a collection of hand-picked live highlights from our Queen shows over the last 7 years with our brother Adam Lambert.”

The Queen guitarist added: “It’s a first! As you watch and listen to these tracks you’ll be journeying all around the world with us, and experiencing a complete virtual live set.  

“The collection climaxes in Sydney earlier this year when, in support Fire Fight Australia, we recreated the complete Queen Live Aid set.

“It was a historic event for a great cause – with perhaps the highest adrenaline level since the original Live Aid in 1985. It makes me particularly happy that we can now share this unique moment with the whole world.”

Queen and Adam Lambert: Live Around The World can be pre-ordered here.

Published at Fri, 04 Sep 2020 18:30:00 +0000


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