On Tuesday, Bhojpuri actor and BJP member of parliament Lok Sabha, Ravi Kishan slammed Samajwadi party MP and veteran actor Jaya Bachchan for her remarks on his earlier comment about the drug nexus in Bollywood. Kishan said that there is a conspiracy to finish the film industry.
“There is a conspiracy to finish our film industry by hollowing it out. As a responsible member of the film industry, it is not just my right but my duty to raise it in Parliament and Jaya-ji should respect that. I am just a son of a priest who crawled his way up and has worked in 600 films,” Kishan said while speaking to ANI.
“I expected Jaya ji to support what I said. Not everyone in the industry consumes drugs but those who do are part of a plan to finish the world’s largest film industry. When Jaya ji joined, the situation was not like this but now we need to protect the industry,” he added.
On Tuesday, addressing the parliament, Jaya Bachchan slammed Ravi Kishan for his comment. “Just because of a few people, you cannot tarnish the whole industry… I was really embarrassed and ashamed that yesterday one of our members in the Lok Sabha, who is from the industry, spoke against the film industry. Jis thaali me khaate hain usi me chched karte hain,” she said.
ALSO READ: BJP MP and veteran actress Hema Malini supports Jaya Bachchan’s Parliament speech
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Published at Wed, 16 Sep 2020 15:32:27 +0000