'She's a scaremonger!' Jeremy Vine caller slapped down amid Sarah Jarvis attack


    A caller on Jeremy Vine on 5 was slapped down after she accused Dr Sarah Jarvis of “scaremongering” for supporting the vaccination of over 12s. The show’s panel were discussing whether those aged 13-17 should also be vaccinated in addition to all over-18s amid the spread of the Indian variant of the coronavirus. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been approved for children in the UK, while in the US large numbers of children have been vaccinated with no evidence of serious risk to their health.

    The caller on Jeremy Vine, however, expressed her anger at the suggestion that children should be vaccinated.

    Voicing the concern of some of the risk of the vaccine compared to the minimal risk of Covid to children, Jeremy Vine asked Joyce from Oxford: “I’m wondering if a lot of people will just be too concerned to do it, Joyce?”

    “Oh absolutely,” she said. “Never, never, never.”

    “Why are we imposing this on the young people? They actually don’t get poorly, they don’t die unless they’re already vulnerable.

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    “It is not proven that they are passing this in schools to teachers. Why are we doing this? We haven’t got proof.”

    Mr Vine replied: “Sarah Jarvis is making the point that the India variant is spreading among teenagers more than the previous variants.”

    To which the caller lashed out: “I’m sorry but Sarah Jarvis is a scaremonger.”

    Jeremy Vine hit back, “No, she’s not. She’s a doctor!”

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    The government’s priority, however, is continuing to vaccinate adults.

    To date, more than three-quarters of UK adults have received at least one dose of coronavirus and over half have had both jabs.

    Concerns have been raised, however over the spread of the Delta variant, which now accounts for over 75 percent of new Covid cases in the UK.

    The rise of the variant has led Mr Hancock to say that he is “open” to the idea of delaying the end of restrictions, planned for June 21.

    Published at Mon, 07 Jun 2021 13:10:00 +0000

    'She's a scaremonger!' Jeremy Vine caller slapped down amid Sarah Jarvis attack


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