Statins side effects: Five ways statins can affect your muscles – ‘burning’


Statins are a group of medicines that can help lower the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. LDL cholesterol is often referred to as “bad cholesterol” because it sticks to the inside of your artery walls. If left unchecked, this can clog up your arteries, starving the heart of oxygen and blood.

“Most of the recent headline-grabbing studies about statin side effects were based on observing large groups of people taking statins,” notes Harvard Health.

In these studies, the percentage of statin users who reported muscle problems have ranged from 10 percent to as high as 20 percent.

The highest estimates were recently retracted by the medical journal The BMJ because the authors of the report misinterpreted data from one of the studies and consequently over-estimated statin-related problems.

Nonetheless, you should discuss the benefits and risks of taking statins with your doctor before you start taking the medicine, advises the NHS.

“If you find certain side effects particularly troublesome, talk to the doctor in charge of your care,” advises the health body.

It adds: “Your dose may need to be adjusted or you may need a different type of statin.”

For details of the side effects of a particular statin, check the information leaflet that comes with your medicine.

What other possible side effects are there?

Common side effects include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling sick
  • Feeling unusually tired or physically weak
  • Digestive system problems, such as constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion or farting
  • Sleep problems
  • Low blood platelet count.

Types of statins

There are five types of statin available in the UK:

  • Atorvastatin (eg Lipitor)
  • Simvastatin (eg Zocor)
  • Rosuvastatin (eg Crestor)
  • Fluvastatin (eg. Lescol)
  • Pravastatin (eg Lipostat).

“Your doctor will recommend the statin and the dose which is best for you in your particular circumstances,” explains Bupa.

According to the health body, this will depend on your medical history, and how much your cholesterol needs to come down.

“Some statins lower blood cholesterol more than others. Most people are first prescribed atorvastatin,” it adds.

Published at Mon, 25 Jan 2021 14:54:00 +0000

Statins side effects: Five ways statins can affect your muscles – ‘burning’


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