Thousands of broadband bills to increase today, here's why you could face a price rise


If you signed up for your current broadband bundle during the Black Friday sales, this weekend will bring a nasty surprise. Yes, this weekend marks the end of the 18-month contract that you signed when jumping on the limited-time deal in November 2019.

Of course, not everyone who signed up to a discounted broadband deal during the Black Friday sales back in 2019 will be looking down the barrel of a substantial price increase this weekend – some might have already added some optional extras, like paid-for television or faster speeds, mid-contract and changed the terms. And some customers will have agreed to a longer minimum term contract than 18-months. For example, BT usually signs up customers for a minimum of 24-months.

However, the bargain-hunting team at Uswitch believes thousands will be impacted by the price rises this weekend. At the end of the 18-month contract, the price you’ve been paying each month will increase to the standard priced tariff.

Black Friday is always a great time to bag a bargain and it’s not only products that get reduced with many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offering attractive discounts to attract new customers. However, once the initial period comes to an end costs can suddenly increase with Uswitch warning that the vast majority of broadband customers who signed up in the Black Friday sales will face an increase of around £114 a year. Ouch.

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Under the latest rules from regulators, ISPs have to warn customers when their current deal is coming to an end, but let’s be honest, opening emails from your broadband isn’t always top of the To Do list. Not only that, but these emails can be easy to miss especially if your inbox is already pretty packed.

If you think you may have taken advantage of a Black Friday broadband bargain then it would be a good idea to dig out your contract and check to see when things end. According to Uswitch, broadband deals from TalkTalk and Plusnet were some of the most popular 18-month contracts with consumers at the time, so if you’re with one of these firms, check your paperwork.

If you’re signed up to Plusnet’s Unlimited Broadband deal could see their costs rocket by 70 percent when their deal comes to an end.

Speaking about the issue, Catherine Hiley, broadband expert at, told “Black Friday is a great time to snap up cheap tech, but thousands of savvy shoppers also use the opportunity to grab a bargain broadband contract. Eighteen months on from Black Friday 2019, most of these deals are coming to an end and customers face being shifted onto their suppliers’ more expensive standard tariffs.

“If you got your broadband deal on Black Friday 2019, you should soon receive an end-of-contract notification from your supplier, informing you what price you will pay once it ends. If you receive an ECN, or think your broadband deal is ending soon, do a comparison online to see what better prices and speeds you could be getting.”

So, it seems the advice is simple, find your contract or check online statements, and if your deal is coming to end get on the phone and renegotiate something new.

Most of these broadband suppliers will have new deals ready and waiting on their websites, so it’s worth seeing if anything is close to what you’ve been used to paying. It’s also worth mentioning that since you’re at the end of your broadband contract, you’re now free to move between companies – so if another ISP has a better deal on price, download speed, or freebies and extra perks… it might be worth ditching your current provider and switching to a new firm anyway.

Published at Sat, 29 May 2021 10:49:00 +0000

Thousands of broadband bills to increase today, here's why you could face a price rise


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