William and Kate ‘solid power couple’ who are ‘setting an example for Harry and Meghan’


William and Kate ‘solid power couple’ who are ‘setting an example for Harry and Meghan’

The wedding of Kate and William was watched by millions worldwide. It was hugely exciting for people around the world as another generation of royals began to tie the know. Plus, this was the heir to the throne and his wife would be Queen one day.

As such, there has always been a huge public interested in Kate Middleton and Prince William’s relationship, including in the almost 10 years they dated before they married.

After their wedding, Britons watched with bated breath as they announced their first, second, and then shirt children.

The couple, unlike many British couples, lives together and work together as members of the British Royal Family.

They are often seen together performing duties bringing attention to great causes.

READ MORE: Prince Philip is ‘enchanted’ by Kate Middleton and ‘keen to reward her skills’

Sami Wunder is an expert whose words have appeared in Forbes, Time Magazine and business insider, among many others.

She told Express.co.uk Kate and William exemplify a strong power couple.

Sami said: “Kate and William are the ultimate royal power couple.

“They are solid on multiple levels, and are a perfect team both in their home life and when they are fulfilling their royal duties.”

She praised the longevity of their relationship, which she put down to their strong connection.

“It is clear that they have had a strong connection since they met at university, a connection which has stayed with them through marriage, the birth of their children, and through the recent lockdown which seems to have brought them closer than ever,” Sami said.

She expert suggests the royal couple form a blueprint for others.

She said: “The unbreakable couple has been married for nearly 10 years, so have stood the test of time – setting an example for Harry and Meghan.

Sami has also discussed Harry and Meghan’s relationship in more depth in the past. 

She claimed: “It is debatable that Megan is the dominant character in her and Harry’s relationship.”

In fact, she advocates for Meghan’s public behaviour with Harry, praising her “voice”.

Sami said: “Meghan is a strong woman, and has a voice, just like every woman should. Meghan is fiercely independent and does not look towards Harry to complete her.”

So how does this impact Harry, who has relocated across the world to start a family with his wife?

“I don’t think that Harry is any less of an empowered man, he is a prince after all,” Sami said.

Published at Sun, 29 Nov 2020 04:01:00 +0000


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