‘Great’ supplement ‘given to Cashmere goats to promote wool yield’ promotes hair growth


One hair expert advised using growth tonics to promote hair growth. Certain ingredients, in particular, are shown to boost hair growth and are even used in Cashmere goats.

Consultant dermatologist, Dr. Ophelia Veraitch, founder of Dr. Ophelia Comsecutical Skin and hair care said: “For a targeting approach to addressing hair thinning and loss hair growth tonics contain ingredients which can help promote hair growth.

“For example, melatonin the sleep hormone isn’t just to regulate the circadian rhythms, but it is a great antioxidant synthesised in hair follicles.

“Melatonin has long been given to Cashmere goats to promote the yield of wool.

“This has led to the development of topical melatonin. In Western society, it’s exceedingly rare to have vitamin deficiencies that cause hair loss or thinning.”

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Dr. Ophelia also suggested a few key supplements for hair growth

She told Express.co.uk: “To maintain healthy-looking hair, go for hair vitamins that have relatively high concentrations of the nutrients we know that are needed to support hair growth.

“Iron and zinc are both very important for hair, but when taken together they don’t absorb well.

“So a carefully thought out hair vitamin programme is ideal.”

How else can you encourage hair growth?

Tips to grow your hair

Eat well and get enough protein

To grow long hair, it’s important to grow healthy hair. Make sure you are getting enough nutrients in your diet.

Additionally, boost your protein intake, as protein helps create strong and luscious hair.

Massage your scalp

Massage your scalp every day for five minutes. Increased blood flow to the area has been found to boost growth.

Use less heat on your hair

Heat causes hair to become damaged and therefore to break.

Lots of breakages will cause it to seem as though your hair is not growing.

Published at Fri, 07 Jan 2022 04:01:00 +0000

‘Great’ supplement ‘given to Cashmere goats to promote wool yield’ promotes hair growth


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