Dementia care: Apathy is an early sign of the condition according to latest study


 describes clusters of symptoms associated with brain decline but the most common is Alzheimer’s disease. The symptoms develop gradually over many years and eventually become more severe. Memory loss is often the first visible sign and as the condition progresses, this may be accompanied by more severe symptoms such as personality changes and hallucinations.

Apathy can be an early symptom of dementia in some patients, research has suggested.

The researchers looked for changes in apathy, memory tests and MRI scans of the brain.

The study’s first author, Maura Malpetti, of Cambridge University, said: “Apathy is one of the most common symptoms in patients with frontotemporal dementia.”

A Cambridge University-led study indicated that apathy, defined as a lack of interest or motivation, can begin in your mid-forties – decades before other symptoms of disease. 

READ MORE: Dementia: Pioneering new test may help to determine dementia risk, finds new study

Mrs Malpetti added: “’It is linked to functional decline, decreased quality of life, loss of independence and poorer survival.

“The more we discover about the earliest effects of frontotemporal dementia, when people still feel well in themselves, the better we can treat symptoms and delay or even prevent the dementia.

“By studying people over time, rather than just taking a snapshot, we revealed how even subtle changes in apathy predicted a change in cognition, but not the other way around.”

Risk of condition

According to the Alzheimer’s Society (AS), in just over 600 families worldwide, studies reveal many close family members who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease across successive generations.

“This pattern of ‘familial clustering’ of Alzheimer’s disease suggests there is a mutation within a single gene that causes the disease,” explains the AS.

It adds: “In these cases, the mutation is being passed down in the DNA from parent to child, across several generations.”

If several of your family members have developed dementia over the generations, and particularly at a young age, you may want to seek genetic counselling for information and advice about your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease when you’re older, advises the NHS.

Published at Wed, 16 Dec 2020 20:44:00 +0000

Dementia care: Apathy is an early sign of the condition according to latest study


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