As Huawei gears up for HarmonyOS launch, US lifts ALL restrictions on Android rival Xiaomi


In January, during the waning days of the Trump administration, Xiaomi was blacklisted by the US and labelled a national security threat. The former White House labelled Xiaomi a ‘Communist Chinese military company’, which the Beijing-based firm strenuously denied. In a statement issued in January Xiaomi stressed that it “is not owned, controlled or affiliated with the Chinese military and is not a ‘Communist Chinese Military Company”.

Unlike Huawei, Xiaomi weren’t added to the Entity list – but the move did block the firm from acquiring US good and services, while investors in America also had to divest their stake in the Chinese smartphone maker. Thankfully for Xiaomi though, after filing a lawsuit against the US government, a settlement has now been reached – which will see all restrictions lifted.

In a statement online Xiaomi said: “The Company is pleased to announce that on May 25…the US District Court for the District of Columbia issued a final order vacating the US Department of Defense’s designation of the Company as a CCMC [Communist Chinese Military Company].

Published at Sat, 29 May 2021 02:01:00 +0000

As Huawei gears up for HarmonyOS launch, US lifts ALL restrictions on Android rival Xiaomi


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