The first doses of the Pfizer vaccine reached Britain last week, sparking the beginning of complex operation to protect those most vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. But while studies have shown the Pfzier/BioNTech jab is 95 percent effective in preventing the virus, many have voiced concerns over its fast development.
Appearing on The Andrew Marr Show, Dr Raine outlined the safety profile of the vaccine and urged people to get their flu jab first.
“The safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccine is really no different from any other vaccine,” she explained.
“Might have a mild symptom, it will probably disappear in a day or two, nothing at all of a serious nature, so you can be confident there.
“It’s as safe as any general vaccine – the kind you might have if you’re going on holiday or of course the flu jab.”
READ MORE: Coronavirus UK vaccine update: Immunity can be achieved within 28 days of vaccination
Dr Raine added: “If you’re still due to have your flu jab, please do have it before the Cover vaccine. Not at the same time.”
Among people’s concerns about the vaccine is the effect it may have on people with long-Covid – long-term effects of the virus.
Dr Raine said there are very few people not able to take the vaccine.
She continued: “The full information for your healthcare professional is on our website.
“You’ll see that there’s a special piece of advice for anyone on a blood thinner or an anticoagulant, but that simply means you can have the vaccine if the benefits outweigh the risks.
“Its all been looked at extremely carefully.”
The advice at the moment is the vaccine is not recommended in pregnancy.
“Like the majority of new medicines and vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccine hasn’t been fully tested yet on pregnancy women,” said Dr Raine. “There were only a small number in the clinical trials.
“As quickly as possible”, according to D Raine.
The vaccine needs to be kept very cold, and the splitting of larger packs of the vaccine into smaller ones has to be done very carefully.
But Dr Raine said the first person to have the vaccine should be in a matter of days.
And the MHRA are continuing to look at data packages for other Covid vaccines, including the Oxford vaccine.
Published at Sun, 06 Dec 2020 10:40:13 +0000
Covid vaccine: ‘Get your flu jab before the Pfizer vaccine’ Expert issues important advice