Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree speak out on ‘foolish’ Chateau decision


    Along the way, Dick and Angel found The Chateau had numerous features that proved attention to detail, and said “it was extremely encouraging when excavating the hole for our new sewage system, that we discovered the foundations of The Chateau which go down beyond the 2m hole we dug, showing some of the construction of the original castle”. 

    On the first floor of The Chateau, the former Madame and Monsieurhad suites of individual bedrooms and there was a Salon d’Honeur, which was their meeting place.

    “We wondered if it was purely by chance that the master’s suites had a staircase to the servant’s quarters,” they commented. 

    There was also one part of the property that they “fell in love with” on first sighting. 

    “We have an orangery, with which we fell in love when we walked around the property waiting for the estate agent to arrive,” Dick and Angel explained. 

    It has taken six years for the family to complete the inside to a habitable state and now their attention is on the surrounding outbuildings and ideas to expand their business. 

    Published at Thu, 01 Apr 2021 23:00:00 +0000

    Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree speak out on ‘foolish’ Chateau decision


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